50 research outputs found

    Intervention sociale en milieu syndical : une expérience d’approche intégrée

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    Il s'agit d'une réflexion sur une expérience portant sur la gestion du stress au travail et vécue avec des conseillers syndicaux à Québec. Après avoir situé la problématique et l'orientation théorique d'intervention, l'auteure décrit l'expérience et en précise les limites, les résultats et les données d'évaluation

    Body size, first year breeding, and extra-pair paternity in an island endemic, the Island Scrub-Jay

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    2014 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Body size is a fundamental characteristic that shapes all aspects of an organism's biology. The advantages of large body size may include increased probability of territory acquisition, a critical component of fitness for species that require a territory to breed. Large body size, an indicator of quality, may also be advantageous to males in acquiring mates, including matings outside of a pair bond. Such advantages could be especially important in island systems because habitat saturation may result in strong intra-specific competition for territories, and females may be especially motivated to seek large extra-pair mates to increase the body size of their offspring. We tested the role of body size in determining the ability of an island-endemic bird, the Island Scrub-Jay, Aphelocoma insularis, to acquire a territory and breed in their first spring, as well as to sire extra-pair offspring. We compared the body size of individuals that obtained a territory and bred to those that did not, as well as the body size of social fathers to the extra-pair sires to whom they lost paternity. We found that large body size was important in the siring of extra-pair young. However, body size did not predict the ability of male or female Island Scrub-Jays to acquire a territory and breed in their first year. We suggest that year-to-year variation in environmental conditions and chance may be more important than a large body size or weapon performance in early territory acquisition. Our study provides evidence for a mechanism, specifically female preference for a large body size in males, that supports the observed rates of extra-pair paternity, and demonstrates the general difficulty, even for individuals with a relatively large body size, of acquiring a territory as a yearling in an island system with saturated habitat

    Le partenaire invisible : les conditions de travail dans l’évaluation et l’intervention sociales

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    Cet article soulève l'importance des caractéristiques personnelles et socio-démographiques sur la position de l'individu dans l'organisation et la division du travail, et du rôle que jouent les conditions de travail dans les problèmes sociaux. Les auteurs présentent, en seconde partie, quelques pistes d'intervention en milieu de travail, attirant l'attention sur le rôle que peut y jouer l'intervenant social

    County and Demographic Differences in Drug Arrests and Controlled Substance Use in Maine

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    . Introduction: The Diversion Alert Program (DAP) was established to curb misuse of drugs and help identify people who may need treatment for substance use disorder (SUD). Law enforcement compiled arrest data into a database accessible by health care providers. Our objectives were to identify regional and demographic differences in drug use and misuse in Maine. Methods: All arrests (N = 11 234) reported to the DAP from 2013 to 2018 were examined by county and arrestee demographics, and classified into families (opioids, stimulants, sedatives). The Drug Enforcement Administration’s Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS) tracks the distribution of controlled pharmaceuticals (Schedule II-III). Opioids were converted to oral morphine milligram equivalents (MMEs). County and zip-code maps were constructed. Results: The most arrests per capita occurred in Androscoggin, Knox, and Cumberland Counties. Opioids were the most common drug class in arrests in all counties except Aroostook County, where stimulants were most common. Medical distribution of opioids varied. Although buprenorphine doubled, many prescription opioids (eg, hydrocodone, fentanyl, oxymorphone) exhibited large (\u3e 50%) reductions in distribution. Methadone was the predominant opioid statewide (56.4% of total MMEs), although there were sizable differences between regions (Presque Isle = 8.6%, Bangor = 78.9%). Amphetamine distribution increased by 67.9%. Discussion: The DAP, a unique pharmacoepidemiological resource, revealed a 6-fold difference in drug arrests by county. Regional differences in methadone may be due to heterogeneities in methadone clinic distribution. Conclusions: The decrease in most prescription opioids, but increase in prescription stimulants, may warrant continued monitoring to improve public health

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Le rôle des travailleurs sociaux en collaboration interprofessionnelle auprès des personnes atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer ou d'autres maladies apparentées

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    Grâce aux efforts soutenus pour implanter son rôle professionnel et faire valoir ses propres perspectives psychosociales et écologiques, des contributions significatives de la part du travail social sont susceptibles d’améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer et des maladies apparentées et de leurs familles. Toutefois, le rôle du travailleur social dans les équipes interprofessionnelles n’est pas suffisamment clarifié et cela semble amener une confusion chez la clientèle desservie et les autres professionnels. Cette étude qualitative, de nature exploratoire et descriptive, vise à mieux comprendre la perception des travailleurs sociaux de leurs rôles auprès des personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer ou d’une maladie apparentée et les défis que sous-tendent ces rôles en collaboration interprofessionnelle. L’analyse des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées menées auprès de 10 participants ont permis de démontrer que la définition et la contribution des travailleurs sociaux au sein des équipes interprofessionnelles demeurent à être clarifiés. Il a été possible de documenter le rôle des travailleurs sociaux et de cerner trois problématiques de rôle, soit l’ambiguïté, les conflits et la surcharge de rôle, malgré un nombre restreint de participants.Through sustained efforts to establish a professional role and to develop its own psychosocial and ecological perspectives, meaningful contributions from social work are likely to improve the quality of life of people with Alzheimer's disease and related conditions and their families. However, the role of the social worker in the interprofessional teams is not sufficiently clarified and this seems to cause confusion among the clientele and other professionals. This qualitative study, which is exploratory and descriptive in nature, aims to better understand social workers' perception of their roles in people with Alzheimer's disease or a related condition and the challenges of these roles in interprofessional collaboration. The analysis of the semi-structured individual interviews with 10 participants demonstrated that the definition and contribution of social workers within interprofessional teams remains to be clarified. It was possible to document the role of social workers and to identify three role issues: ambiguity, conflict and role overload, despite a limited number of participants

    The Modus Operandi of Walrus Exploitation during the Palaeoeskimo Period at the Tayara Site, Arctic Canada

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    International audienceThanks to its high nutritional potential and huge ivory canines, walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) appears to have been a key resource in the subsistence economy of Dorset groups. However present archaeological data are sparse and a more global analysis of its exploitation by the Palaeoeskimos is required. The Tayara site (KbFk-7) in Nunavik (Quebec, Canada) yielded a significant assemblage of walrus bones and many manufactured ivory objects. In addition, Tayara serves as a reference site in Eastern Arctic cultural chronology. A thorough zooarchaeological study has been conducted which includes skeletal profile, the sexing and ageing of walrus bones, and a technological study of the manufactured objects, including a use-wear analysis on lithic tools. This allows the discussion of several aspects of the modus operandi for the exploitation of walrus, from the death of the animal to the processing of the raw material into artefacts. Even if the walrus seems to have been treated with the same processes as other species, some specificities have been noted, particularly in the selection of the different skeletal elements for tool productions and the emblematic value that this animal may have played in consumption and production activities." Le modus operandi de l'exploitation du morse sur le site Paléoesquimau de Tayara (Rive sud du détroit d'Hudson, Canada).Le morse (Odobenus rosmarus) est très apprécié des peuples arctiques, en particulier pour son grand potentiel nutritionnel et pour ses canines proéminentes. Au Dorsétien, l'exploitation de cet animal a été particulièrement valorisée, notamment à Tayara (KbFk-7), l'un des plus prestigieux sites paléoesquimaux. Localisé au nord du Nunavik (Québec, Canada), le niveau II de Tayara a livré une preuve évidente de chasse au morse ainsi qu'un très grand nombre de restes fauniques et d'objets fabriqués sur dents ou os de morse. Une exploitation diversifiée et généralisée des carcasses a été mise en évidence. Les études consacrées au morse étant encore limitées, nous avons entrepris une approche originale, globale et multidisciplinaire, permettant de reconstituer le modus operandi de la chaîne d'exploitation d'une carcasse. Les résultats de l'archéozoologie, de la technologie osseuse et de la tracéologie lithique ont ainsi été combinés. L'archéozoologie a permis de retrouver le profil squelettique, le sexe et l'âge des individus apportés entiers sur le site (i.e., six individus des deux sexes, souvent adultes). L'examen technologique a montré que les défenses et os de morse étaient travaillés selon les mêmes procédés techniques que pour les autres espèces. Cependant, les intentions de production étaient plus ciblées, privilégiant la fabrication des armes de chasse et des objets àvaleur de signe. L'étude tracéologique a confirmé que toutes les activités touchant à l'exploitation du morse ont bien été menées sur le site de Tayara." (source éditeur

    Understanding VA\u27s Use of and Relationships With Community Care Providers Under the MISSION Act

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    BACKGROUND: Congress has enacted 2 major pieces of legislation to improve access to care for Veterans within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). As a result, the VA has undergone a major transformation in the way that care is delivered to Veterans with an increased reliance on community-based provider networks. No studies have examined the relationship between VA and contracted community providers. This study examines VA facility directors\u27 perspectives on their successes and challenges building relationships with community providers within the VA Community Care Network (CCN). OBJECTIVES: To understand who VA facilities partner with for community care, highlight areas of greatest need for partnerships in various regions, and identify challenges of working with community providers in the new CCN contract. RESEARCH DESIGN: We conducted a national survey with VA facility directors to explore needs, challenges, and expectations with the CCN. RESULTS: The most common care referred to community providers included physical therapy, chiropractic, orthopedic, ophthalmology, and acupuncture. Open-ended responses focused on 3 topics: (1) Challenges in working with community providers, (2) Strategies to maintain strong relationships with community providers, and (3) Re-engagement with community providers who no longer provide care for Veterans. CONCLUSIONS: VA faces challenges engaging with community providers given problems with timely reimbursement of community providers, low (Medicare) reimbursement rates, and confusing VA rules related to prior authorizations and bundled services. It will be critical to identify strategies to successfully initiate and sustain relationships with community providers